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Hi, I’m Erin. I am so glad you are here. It is truly one of my favorite things to make someone feel welcome. I love getting to know a new person, discovering things about their life and personality. Wish you were right here so we could chat. I’d love if you would introduce yourself to me on Instagram or Facebook!



I have four sons. My life is filled with noise, sports, “Mama!” 15,439 times a day, noise, hugs, finding socks, refereeing, and more noise. My boys are competitive to their core, which I think is a mixture of the perfectionism they inherited from me and the stubbornness they inherited from their dad.


My husband and I are high school sweethearts, which hasn’t always been as sweet as it sounds. We’ve had some really rough times, but through God's help, I can honestly say we are happy to be together. My hubby thinks more highly of me than I think of myself. If it weren’t for him, I would take things way too seriously. He is witty, and he makes me laugh.

photo of author of spiritual help book for depressed teens

I’m a bit all over the place. Bible study teacher. Homeschool evaluator. Depression survivor. Mental health advocate. Math tutor. Youth coach. Recovering angry mom. Unicyclist. Former health and fitness fanatic. (Still like a good workout and a good salad.) Lover of apologetics and strong doctrine of the faith. Trained reading specialist. Youth ministry worker.


I am extroverted in that I love to spend time with people, but I’m terrible at small talk. I may become entirely engrossed in a cereal box to avoid a conversation with someone I know at the grocery store. When I run into someone I haven’t seen in years, I will never be the one to say hi first. At the same time, I really like people. I like making connections. I care about people.


I love friendly competition … although I may not always be friendly. There’s a good probability that I will scratch you in a game of Dutch Blitz or scrapple with you for a basketball, but I will be laughing the whole time. While I really want to win, I also want everyone to have fun and do well.


I often laugh until I cry. My friends have deemed this my personal emoji: 



I love Jesus. He is the One who healed me. He healed my brokenness. He brought me to fullness in Him. He took away my shame. He continues to heal my heart from past wounds. He loves me in all my messiness.


I would love for you to experience this healing, to know how it feels to be set free. Unhindered Steps was started to help people like you to walk in freedom. Learn more about this journey to healing by subscribing!

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